Ensure 100% image quality of each digitized item, in automated processes and without loss of time.

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Image quality is measurable! The common goal of all digitization projects: to create a digital copy of the original.

To achieve this, optimal image quality is a decisive factor. Image quality can be clearly determined on the basis of details (resolution, scale, geometry), tonal reproduction (brightness, OECF, dynamic range, color, noise) and homogeneity.

Image quality is assessed using test charts that are digitized under identical conditions.

The methods used are described in international ISO standards - such as ISO 19264-1: 2021 - and relevant technical guidelines - such as Metamorfoze and FADGI.

Random inspections do not go far enough!

In practice, quality control has so far been carried out in sections. In this process, image quality is measured on a random basis in a digitization project.

This is usually done at the beginning and end of the digitization project, and in larger projects at defined intervals such as the beginning and end of a shift, as well as when changes are made to the project schedule.

However, this random approach does not lead to one hundred percent certainty of results. Images with an image quality below the quality specifications can be overlooked. Rejects are produced and time-consuming re-scans are necessary.

100% verified image quality with every scan!

Users of Zeutschel overhead scanners now have a solution that significantly enhances previous quality control methods.

The "Permanent Image Quality Control" software module enables inline quality control during digitization.

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"The result is constant monitoring of image quality. This means that the quality check is performed 'on-the-fly' directly during scanning. Scans that are outside the defined standard are detected immediately."

Volker Jansen, Head of Development & Technology

The advantages

- Nearly 100 percent certainty of results.
- Immediate detection of images with image quality that does not meet specifications
- No rejects: re-scans are completely avoided
- A "de-facto-certificate" for each image (all quality information can be brought into the tiff tag meta data of each file).
- Increased productivity
- Lower total cost of ownership

To implement inline quality control, you need the following hardware and software components:

- Zeutschel overhead scanner
- Zeutschel OmniScan capture software 12.12. SR2
- Zeutschel OS QM-Tool (quality analysis software)
- Zeutschel software module "Permanent Image Quality Control"
- Object Level Target (test target for example Golden Thread from Don Williams / ISA or Scan Reference Chart TE263 A from Image Engineering)

First, the user defines the quality parameters relevant for the project in the OS QM-Tool. For the scan, the object level target is placed at the same level as the original, i.e. in the same plane of focus. After triggering the scan, OmniScan transfers the image data of the object level target to the quality analysis software in the background. This analyzes the image results and assigns information to the corresponding scans as to whether the quality check was passed or failed. The result is then clearly displayed in the OmniScan capture software. In addition a "de-facto-certificate" for each image is possible. For this all the quality information can be brought into the tiff tag met data of each file.

Zeutschel - The experts for image quality

Zeutschel's development and technical team, led by Volker Jansen, has long been intensively involved in measuring and evaluating the image quality of digital images.

On an international level, the team maintains an intensive exchange with users and suppliers of the library and archive industry in standard initiatives.

On an international level, the team maintains an intensive exchange with users and suppliers of the library and archive industry in standard initiatives.

In addition, the internationally recognized UTT test charts were created as part of the cross-national work between Zeutschel and other experts. These are now an integral part of the ISO standard ISO 19264-1:2021.

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