
MOBIREEL ERASMUS+ PROJECT OUTCOMES: Cultural Heritage of the Home-Film Collections.

The overall objective of the MOBIREEL Erasmus+ EU co-founded project is to stimulate and encourage home users, professional and non professional film makers, archivist, film operators, historians, students and household people to digitize and preserve various type of reels in the most efficient way. The online repository is presenting interviews with experts explaining successful strategies for increasing the users of digitized old movies, with focus on so-called home video formats.  This page focuses on specific and ad-hoc tutorial, training and valuable information to motivate target groups and end users to digitize their home video in a proper way.


  • improving the capacity of archivists, librarians, restorers, collectors and collections owners of so called “home/consumer level movie” archives how to digitize with low-cost technology their motion picture films with focus on consumer film formats (8mm, Super 8mm, 16mm) and consumer-level videotapes (VHS, S-VHS, Betamax) via producing set of Continuing VET (CVET) training materials. The materials will be open, flexible and free;
  • improving the possibilities for additional training in the area of low cost films/tapes digitization via offering content structured as Units of Learning Outcomes using ECVET;
  • improving the capacity of archivists, librarians, restorers, collectors and collections owners of home movie archives how to maintain analogue and digital materials; 
  • improving the capacity of archivists, librarians, restorers, collectors and collections owners of home/consumer level movie archives how to restore analogue and digital materials;
  • improving the knowledge and skills of the target group how to present attractively the digitized artifacts in front of wider audience;


  • Methodology for selection and low-cost digitization of home movie formats for digitization;
  • Competence framework and elaboration of Units of Learning outcomes, Training content in important issues related to low
  • cost movies digitization structured as Units/Modules and offering flexible learning paths;
  • Learning Management System with Units of Learning Outcomes and additional multimedia resources related to low cost
  • digitization of motion picture films with focus on so called home/consumer film formats (8mm, Super 8mm, 16mm) and
  • consumer-level videotapes (VHS, S-VHS, Betamax);
  • Training videos on focus topics related to low cost (consumer level movie formats) digitization; Training and multiplier events in the sphere of low cost digitization of consumer level motion picture films and videotapes;

The ultimate key for success is to plan your project with simple but clear goals and keep the working team always motivated and technically up-to-date.

Figures show how different film cameras and how to load an 8mm film in order to be digitized.

In order to effectively deploy the most useful and easy-to-use low cost film digitization, metadata ingestion, and cataloguing solution, the consortium involved in the project has created an online LMS (learning management system) testing and training material.

Below the tasks involvement for the 5 project’s partners for the creation of the “guide” tutorial:

1. Zeutschel GmbH (Germany):

how to involve, motivate and train users, overview of digitization technologies: how this approach is going to help to educate users and get involved in digitization through overview of digitisation technologies (different equipment for different use cases) considerations how to involve, motivate and train users and a practical case for the film digitization process in Berlin (Germany) Deutsche Kinemathek-.

2. SCAS- Student Computer Art Society – Project coordinator- (Bulgaria):

This section of the guide delves into various approaches for the exhibition and promotion of digitized home film and video formats (8mm, Super 8, VHS, SVHS etc.), examining strategies and tools for communication, promotion, and dissemination in today’s digital age.

3. Kinoteka na Republika Severna Makedonija (Republic of North Macedonia):

How digitization will improve quality of film. (Catalog and metadata).

4. Petko R. Slaveykov Regional Library, Veliko Tarnovo (Bulgaria) :

Interview of practical digitization, save memory focus, why it is important to digitize film? (storage and reliability).

5. Stichting De Domijnen (The Netherlands):

Describes the usage of footages from before 1930 and look for public domain movies from 1920 and do the same today and colorize the data using AI and make sure it is a sustainable workflow.


MOBIREEL Erasmus+ project number: 2022-1-BG01-KA220-VET-000087461

Web site:

The project is supported by Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Title Image from Denise Jans auf Unsplash


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