Product: Archive Writer OP 800 HR

Backs up digital data on microfilm: Twice the resolution of the OP 800.

The Archive Writer OP 800 HR backs up your digital data to a sophisticated medium for long-term archiving. Up to 298 million pixels in full format 35 mm are possible. A total of more than 120 Zeutschel microfilm plotters are in use at government and private institutions worldwide.

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Key features and product benefits:

Optional: High Speed Duplex Modus
on 16 mm film to increase throughput
up to 6000 images per hour.

General with the ArchiveWriter OP 800 HR all digital data can be archived simply and quickly on microfilm for long-term archiving
Applications preservation of all native digital data (CAD, e-mail, Word, Excel, etc.) and digitized data (scanned documents, images etc.)
Formats all standard file-formats in b/w, grayscale and color, e.g. TIFF, TIFF LZW, JPEG, JP2, BMP, PDF, PDF A, JPM, GIF, etc.
Microfilm roll film b/w, halftone and color, 16 & 35 mm
on reels 30.5 m (100 ft), 60 m, 305 m or 600 m
Maximum resolution 298.5 megapixel
For 35 mm roll film 10223 dpi
For 16 mm roll film 25248 dpi
Max. film mask 35 mm 32.2 × 57 mm
Standard mask 35 mm 32 × 45 mm
Max. film mask 16 mm 13.0 × 23.1 mm
Standard mask 16 mm 12.5 × 18 mm
Film mask and film step continuously adjustable
Recording formats full-frame, duplex, duo and multi-frame
3-way blip yes
Imprinting of metadata and film index yes
Compliance with all established microfilm standards
Image processing Integrated color management conforming to ICC standards
Software Zeutschel Software OmniPlot
Operating system Windows 10 IoT (64 bit)
Dimensions (w × d × h): 1280 mm × 806 mm × 1498 mm
Accessories incl. PC and Monitor
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Product: Archive Writer OP 800 HR

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