Product: Omniscan OS12

Scanning software for a wide range of digitization tasks

OmniScan OS 12 scanning software delivers perfect image data with maximum productivity. Task areas: Image capture, image processing, indexing as well as output in various data formats. Can be used with Zeutschel overhead scanners, but also with other scanning systems.

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The most important functions and product advantages are:

Description All-in-one software for digitization projects with image capture, image editing, indexing, output in various data formats. Not just for use with Zeutschel scanners.
Job management Job parameter in express mode can be stored as basis for new jobs. Stop and continuation of scan jobs, simple insert and replace of images possible at any time. Working with stacks in further processing (batch processing)
Color management Continuous color management according to ICC standards
Language system Unicode, multilingual, adaptable to any language
Image editor tools (optional) Automatic color tone correction, unsharp mask, rotate, mirror, invert, manual and automatic straightening, manual and automatic clipping, insert stamp/text, dynamic binarisation threshold, print area recognition, paper-white optimization, barcode recognition, OCR recognition
File formats TIFF, TIFF-LZW, BMP, JPEG, JPEG2000, PNG, PCX, PDF, multipage PDF, multipage TIFF
Electronic delivery services compatible with Subito, ZFL server
Image output 48/24 bit color, 16/8 bit gray scale and
1 bit b&w, depending on the scanner
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Product: Omniscan OS12

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