Case study
Scanning to perfection – The medium-format camera Fujifilm GFX100S as centrepiece of the Zeutschel OS A overhead scanner
Mission statement
Zeutschel, the leading manufacturer of high-end digitisation solutions headquartered in Tübingen, Germany, is at the fore of technological development in the quest to preserve cultural heritage and make it accessible.
With the common goal of making knowledge accessible on a global scale and preserving valuable historical assets, Zeutschel works in close collaboration with renowned libraries, archives and museums and also supports authorities, law firms and clients in industry.
In doing so, the focus is always on system efficiency and productivity, which is specifically designed for digitalising fragile assets quickly with care and attention. This facilitates global access to this valuable information and at the same time prevents deterioration caused by frequent physical handling.
The outstanding quality of the digital copies sets Zeutschel’s digitisation solutions apart from the rest. Original information content must be replicated perfectly in order to meet high research and archiving standards.
To quote Markus Wagner, Managing Director of Zeutschel GmbH: “Almost every national library and every national archive in the world deploys a Zeutschel system. Customers can be found on every continent in the world—from the National Library in Berlin, the Bavarian State Library and the British Library, to the National Archives in the USA and the National Library of Brazil through to the National Libraries in China and South Africa.”
Highest standards in image quality and speed
Digitisation of cultural heritage requires the utmost precision in detail and colour reproduction. Zeutschel has chosen Fujifilm GFX100S and GFX100SII for the medium-format camera because it delivers consistent digital copies at the highest level. The high-resolution 102-megapixel sensor and the outstanding lenses enable an optical resolution of 300 ppi on DIN A1+ with only one picture, so even the smallest details and the finest colour nuances are true replications of the original.
In order to measure the quality of the digital copies as regards colour and detail reproduction, standards and norms are created in which tolerances are determined for a multitude of criteria. These criteria include colour discrepancies, tonal value range, detail reproduction and homogeneous illumination.
Zeutschel scanners with Fujifilm GFX cameras meet the highest level of quality in digitisation standards, ISO 19264-1, Metamorfoze and FADGI. They create digital copies which truly replicate the information content and appearance of the original.
To quote Christian Hohendorf, Managing Director of Zeutschel GmbH: “By satisfying standards and norms, we guarantee high and consistent quality for our customers, completely and accurately capturing all the information visible in the original. The quality of the digital copies is designed to stand the test of time so that the process does not have to be repeated.”
Zeutschel OS A scanners with the Fujifilm medium-format camera are able to digitise 35-mm film formats with more than 4,000 ppi up to A1+ with 300 ppi in one picture. This versatility facilitates the recording of the most varied of templates in a precise and time-efficient manner.
Thanks to the large selection of lenses, the system can easily be adapted to different areas of application and format sizes. This enables an efficient digitisation process for various types of cultural heritage, from books and manuscripts to large-scale maps and plans.
To quote Volker Jansen, Head of R&D at Zeutschel GmbH: “Cooperation and technical support from Fujifilm were professional and success oriented from the start. Cameras were integrated quickly and smoothly into our OmniScan workflow software thanks to the Software Developer Kit and reliable assistance. All the important camera settings are available for integration into our system and can easily be integrated.”