National libraries and national archives worldwide trust in digitization solutions "Made in Germany".

Zeutschel supports libraries, archives and museums with solutions for the digitization of cultural heritage. This enables valuable cultural heritage to be preserved and made available worldwide on the Internet. Our offer consists of innovative scanning systems and powerful, user-friendly software.

We only want to scan books once in a lifetime. State-of-the-art technology must remain our standard.

Zeutschel: Your partner for the digitisation of cultural heritage

We are proud to be the market leader in book scanners and overhead scanners. National libraries and national archives worldwide rely on digitisation solutions "Made in Germany".

These cover the entire work process in the digitization of cultural heritage - from image capture, image optimization and the indexing of meta and structural data, through quality assurance and OCR recognition, to the presentation of the content on the Internet.

Zeutschel has the largest selection of overhead and archive scanners on the market.

Our scanning systems process originals in a wide range of sizes - from small formats such as stamps or coins, to typical standard formats for books and magazines, to A0 and A1 originals such as plans and drawings.

With their high-quality features and excellent price-performance ratio, our scanning systems are designed for everyday work in digitization centers. With these features, the OS 12002 series has become the best-selling A2 book scanner worldwide.

We also equip the open access area of libraries with self-service devices such as the Zeutschel zeta. And for image quality at the highest level, we have developed three scanner series.

The high-performance OS Q and OS HQ scanners and the ScanStudio meet the highest levels of quality standards and technical guidelines - ISO 19264-1 Level A, Full Metamorfoze and FADGI****.

How digitization service providers, industry, public authorities, banks & insurance companies and law firms benefit from our scanning solutions.

What added value our software applications offer you.


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